Before making use of this website and the services we provide through this, users / visitors are requested to read carefully and comply with the following terms and conditions governing the use of our online store and web pages containing that bind all visitors and users. The user / visitor of the website automatically accepts these Conditions, if they choose to register as a member thereof. Use our online shop and the services we offer, implies unconditional acceptance of these Terms by users / visitors. In case a user / visitor disagrees with these Terms, asked not to make use of this site. has the right at any time and without notice to revise, amend or abolish these Terms unilaterally, according to his judgment, of course, simultaneously informing the present text of any change or addition. It also reserves the right to establish specific terms of use, which are considered as a whole with the present general conditions of use, but in case of conflict between them prevail specific conditions of use. Eventual some of these Conditions shall not render void the others. Failure to exercise the rights under these Terms does not imply a waiver of those rights, nor entail implied repeal Clause. is not liable for breach of these Terms caused by force majeure, including but earthquakes, fires, floods, extreme weather, strikes etc.
Any user / visitor uses this site on his own exclusive responsibility, and the contents in no way can be considered as providing advice or encouragement, direct or indirect to users / visitors to take any action.
2. General
This website and the services offered through this are targeted exclusively to adults. People under 18 are prohibited from using or visiting our website and conclude transactions. The bears no responsibility for any visit to this website and use by minors, as it cannot verify the identity of incoming users / visitors.
The is trying to maintain and ensure the availability of the website and its content. Regardless of these efforts, the availability of this website depends on several factors such as the equipment of the users, the number of users trying simultaneously to connect to this website or to the Internet etc. Are also entitled to the maintains the website, even if this results in the shutdown.
The is still entitled at any time and without notice to change the nature and content of this website, and to suspend or discontinue temporarily or permanently it’s operation. You may also be stopped or suspended or prevented from the operation of this website for reasons beyond the control or the will of makes every effort to ensure the accuracy, completeness, validity and clarity of the information and the overall content of this website. The cannot guarantee nor be liable to users / visitors, for safety and content on the site. The users / visitors of this website accept the impossibility of to check all content and services offered through it. Still, the does not warrant that the use of users / visitors of the website, information, data or material contained in the content, do not affect third party rights.
The prices of the shop are the same with the physical stores but discounts are different.
3. Limitation of Liability
The users / visitors who do not trust the asked not to visit or use this website or the services offered through it. Still, users / visitors are advised to use protection software from viruses, Trojan horses, time bombs, or other harmful programs and data. is not responsible for side effects and damage by the use of ordered goods due to incorrect product selection by the user, careless or improper use of the products or manufacturer's fault, such as fault during construction, incomplete information or instructions accompanying products, workmanship, safety materials and actual faults. Our liability in case of a defective product is limited to the obligation of replacement if the return policy conditions are met. is not responsible for shortcomings in the availability of products from force majeure, weather, fire, strikes suppliers, illegal conduct of third parties and generally reasons not attributable to the fault of the is not responsible for any temporary or permanent inability to provide services and delays in acceptance and execution of orders and delivery of products ordered by reasons not attributable to the fault as indicative of force majeure, extreme weather, natural disasters, emergencies, strikes, fire, malfunctions of partner courier companies, accidental damage or destruction of the goods before delivery to the user and after given for mission, illegal interventions of the counterparty or a third party, dysfunction of Internet Payment Processing provider (Bank) or hosting service provider (Host Provider) or Internet service provider (ISP) or access service provider (Access Provider) or the user's terminal equipment, incorrect reporting by the user and generally any event that prevents the smooth fulfillment of contractual obligations. The liability of our Company is limited to under the contract with the consumer's commitments and will make every effort to respond within a reasonable period of time in them. is not responsible for poor condition of the products delivered if this is not due to improper storage of products at and if taken every precaution that should have.
The services from the experienced scientific collaborators of our online store, information and advice on matters relating to health, prevention, beauty and aesthetics are provided for information only and do not under any circumstances replace medical advice, opinions, diagnoses and prescriptions from medical professionals, medical institutions and diagnostic centers must take and follow the user of our services to meet any health problems and everyday issues that concern him. These, answers to users questions, offered advice and information from this site are totally valid and reliable, but are given without prejudice to the accuracy, completeness and veracity of the provided user information for the problems before it, the characteristics of which (information) we are not able, nor obligated to confirm. If not, provide the user untrue, inaccurate and / or incomplete information, our Company is exempt from liability for the validity of the provided advice to the user and the user's responsibility for damage inadequate for the needs of information and / or advice.
This online store provides the content (e.g. information, names, photos, illustrations etc.), products and services available through this website on an "as is" without any warranty expressed or implied in any way. Also, does not guarantee that the content of this website and the quality of provided through this service will meet the needs, requirements and expectations of users / visitors. Any direct, subsequent sums, incidental, indirect or consequential damages arising from access to this website or its use does not create liability for officers, employees or partners. in no event is liable for any legal claims (civil and / or criminal nature), nor for any damage (direct, special or consequential which, without limitation, alternatively and / or loss of profits, data, lost profits, compensation, etc.), which results to users / visitors of this website, or to third parties, on grounds relating to the operation or not and / or use of the Site and / or weakness services and / or information available through it and / or any unauthorized third party interventions to products and / or services and / or information available through it. Still, the bears no responsibility for loss or damage or contamination by viruses and / or other malware on the computer or other electronic means used by the user / visitor access to this website, nor be liable for damages in connection with execution failure, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or emission system or line drop etc.
This website, in order to facilitate and serve the users / visitors can provide include linking through “links” hyperlinks or advertising banners, with websites and third party websites, the content, privacy policy, politics safety, completeness and quality of service, or the terms of use of the can not guarantee nor be held responsible. The connection to these sites and web pages is the sole responsibility of each user / visitor. These third parties, providers of the websites and webpages, have full (civil and criminal) liability for the safety, legality and validity of the content of their web sites and web pages, excluding any liability as limited liability copyright or any right of a third. Consequently, users / visitors are obliged to apply directly to these third-party providers for anything resulting from visiting or using the websites and webpages. Although users / visitors of this website accept that neither is obliged nor can verify the security and content of both websites and web pages and others services which provide access, however has the right to remove, modify or discontinue any third party or connection to websites and third party websites service, if in the judgment of threatened, violated the law or these Terms.
4. Behavior and obligations of users / visitors
Users / visitors are required to comply with all relevant Greek, European and international laws and regulations, including but not limited to laws relating to the protection of intellectual property, privacy, protection of competition, etc. Also the users / visitors must make use of this website and the services offered through this in a manner consistent with fair practice and these Terms.
The users / visitors agree that they will not use this website to send by e-mail or otherwise transmit, or disclosure, content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, libelous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, profane, libelous, violating the privacy of others, showing empathy, or is racial, ethnic or other discrimination, which may cause harm to minors in any way, not be transmitted in accordance with the law or contractual relations or management (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or covered by confidentiality agreements), or that violates intellectual or industrial property or other proprietary rights of third parties, that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, or destruction of operational equipment, computer software or hardware.
Any user / visitor of this site shall yet not commit any acts or omissions that may damage or disrupt the operation and access of third to him, or that may endanger the provision of the services offered by the there through. The use of the website by illegally way or in a manner which is contrary to these terms, give rise to compensation of for any damage or loss suffered by that behavior. Also each user / visitor is required not to provide false information about him, not to make impersonate any other person, not to send junk mail or group or multiple copies of messages and cannot collect information about other users / visitors website without their consent, including financial data and e-mail addresses.
To the extent possible the use of this website in the wider Internet, this should be done under the conditions dictated by the "Code of Conduct Users Internet (Netiquette), and the use of practices which contravene the Code expressly prohibited.
Ignoring a user / visitor to this website with applicable law and / or these Terms, entitles the to take necessary measures and to take all necessary action to address such conduct. Thus, in such cases, be reduced by for example, to restrict access to services provided through this website, or delete, edit or move messages, of course respecting the principle of proportionality.
Any costs or damages that may be required to repay the infringement by the user / visitor of its obligations under the Terms, shall be borne by said user / visitor, who must pay them in immediately and without be required to bring the last to the courts.
5. Intellectual Property Rights
This website and its content, including images, graphics, photographs, texts, information materials, services and products, trademarks, names, distinctive signs, any form of data, software, unless otherwise stated for specific rights of others are the intellectual and industrial property in and protected in accordance with the relevant provisions of Greek and European law and international conventions. Also, anything that is moved, broadcasted or sent via this web site constitutes property of if this is possible and legitimate.
Intellectual property obtained without requiring any further formality and without the need to contract or restrictive clause in the attacks.
All kinds of copy, modify analog / digital recording and mechanical reproduction, distribution, transmission, downloading, processing, resale, rental, storage, printing, create derivative works, or misleading the public about the real provider of the website and its content.
The names, images, logos, brands and trademarks representing and appearing on this website are owned and protected by Greek, European and international intellectual property laws. Their use is expressly prohibited without prior written permission of or the legal beneficiary. Products, names, trademarks and trademarks of third parties appearing on this website are the intellectual and industrial property thereof, bearing exclusively the responsibility for them.
In any case, the appearance and report the above in this website should in no way be construed as a transfer or grant of an express or implied license or right to use them.
The information submitted by any users / visitors of this website to through that are accounted for as non-confidential information and do not constitute property of the user / visitor. Still, may collect limited and necessary information for the overall commercial activities.
Use of this Web site shall be used only for lawful purposes and in a manner that does not impede the use by others, and the visitor / user is obliged to use in accordance with the law, morality and these Terms and not commit any acts or omissions that may cause damage or malfunction of the site (site), or affect or endanger the provision of services by the through it.